Purpose: Identify the concerns, questions, and goals for this test.the prototype as of a specific date the navigation navigation and content). Specify how much of the product the test will cover (e.g. Scope: Indicate what you are testing: Give the name of the Web site, Web application, or other product.You will need to include these elements in the usability test plan. Once everyone has commented and a final plan agreed upon, the usability specialist revises the written plan to reflect the final decisions. Often, the usability specialist then drafts the plan, which circulates to management and the rest of the team. Typically, the usability specialist meets with the site or product owner and members of the development team to decide on the major elements of the plan. The purpose of the plan is to document what you are going to do, how you are going to conduct the test, what metrics you are going to capture, number of participants you are going to test, and what scenarios you will use. One of the first steps in each round of usability testing is to develop a plan for the test.